
neovim-git 16b0d3ae2022.04.20-2

Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability

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Hash: 97b7554a85c56e0ab0fdb748e9eb1c25b455c919

Message: minor fix


diff --git a/.SRCINFO b/.SRCINFO
index c83eb82..d647eb0 100644
--- a/.SRCINFO
+++ b/.SRCINFO
@@ -1,57 +1,81 @@
-generated-by = makedeb-makepkg
-pkgbase = neovim-git
-	pkgdesc = Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
-	pkgver = 20910nightly2022.03.20
-	pkgrel = 2
-	url =
-	arch = i686
-	arch = x86_64
-	arch = armv7h
-	arch = armv6h
-	arch = aarch64
-	license = custom:neovim
-	makedepends = ninja-build
-	makedepends = gettext
-	makedepends = libtool
-	makedepends = libtool-bin
-	makedepends = autoconf
-	makedepends = automake
-	makedepends = cmake
-	makedepends = g++
-	makedepends = pkg-config
-	makedepends = unzip
-	makedepends = curl
-	makedepends = lua-filesystem
-	makedepends = lua-cliargs
-	makedepends = lua-system
-	makedepends = lua-dkjson
-	makedepends = lua-say
-	makedepends = lua-luassert
-	makedepends = lua-term
-	makedepends = lua-mediator
-	makedepends = lua-argparse
-	makedepends = lua-coxpcall
-	depends = libluajit-5.1-2
-	depends = libluajit-5.1-common
-	depends = libmsgpackc2
-	depends = libtermkey1
-	depends = libunibilium4
-	depends = libvterm0
-	depends = lua-luv
-	optdepends = python3-neovim: for python 3 plugin support see :help provider python
-	optdepends = ruby-neovim: for Ruby plugin support (see :help provider-ruby)
-	optdepends = xclip: for clipboard support (or xsel) (see :help provider-clipboard)
-	optdepends = xsel: for clipboard support (or xclip) (see :help provider-clipboard)
-	optdepends = wl-clipboard: for clipboard support on wayland (see :help clipboard)
-	provides = neovim
-	conflicts = neovim
-	options = !strip
-	source = neovim::git+
-	source = sysinit.vim
-	source = debian.vim
-	sha512sums = SKIP
-	sha512sums = 50cb5a922afc0efee7930c389e73fc3f2704a6deb57c8a11c21bcd32702bd8a22837ed4b7e5eb6c2a1489c2bd4261c57c38c065a5d39583b47f77b74f9490c2f
-	sha512sums = 4f137db93be2d14fb22e6a155335de91ac4627ac8999ebc833f646089670bcbeffc4b074f43f7536a935e2efa8e120fcb4dc571cb232f7ed68de07c2947f50db
+generated-by = makedeb
 pkgname = neovim-git
+pkgbase = neovim-git
+pkgdesc = Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
+pkgrel = 2
+pkgver = 16b0d3ae2022.04.20
+url =
+arch = i686
+arch = amd64
+arch = armv7h
+arch = armv6h
+arch = aarch64
+conflicts = neovim
+depends = libluajit-5.1-2
+depends = libluajit-5.1-common
+depends = libmsgpackc2
+depends = libtermkey1
+depends = libunibilium4
+depends = libvterm0
+depends = lua-luv
+license = custom:neovim
+makedepends = ninja-build
+makedepends = gettext
+makedepends = libtool
+makedepends = libtool-bin
+makedepends = autoconf
+makedepends = automake
+makedepends = cmake
+makedepends = g++
+makedepends = pkg-config
+makedepends = unzip
+makedepends = curl
+makedepends = lua-filesystem
+makedepends = lua-cliargs
+makedepends = lua-system
+makedepends = lua-dkjson
+makedepends = lua-say
+makedepends = lua-luassert
+makedepends = lua-term
+makedepends = lua-mediator
+makedepends = lua-argparse
+makedepends = lua-coxpcall
+optdepends = python3-neovim: for python 3 plugin support see :help provider python
+optdepends = ruby-neovim: for Ruby plugin support (see :help provider-ruby)
+optdepends = xclip: for clipboard support (or xsel) (see :help provider-clipboard)
+optdepends = xsel: for clipboard support (or xclip) (see :help provider-clipboard)
+optdepends = wl-clipboard: for clipboard support on wayland (see :help clipboard)
+options = !strip
+provides = neovim
+source = neovim::git+
+source = sysinit.vim
+source = debian.vim
+sha512sums = SKIP
+sha512sums = 50cb5a922afc0efee7930c389e73fc3f2704a6deb57c8a11c21bcd32702bd8a22837ed4b7e5eb6c2a1489c2bd4261c57c38c065a5d39583b47f77b74f9490c2f
+sha512sums = 4f137db93be2d14fb22e6a155335de91ac4627ac8999ebc833f646089670bcbeffc4b074f43f7536a935e2efa8e120fcb4dc571cb232f7ed68de07c2947f50db
+makedepends = ninja-build
+makedepends = gettext
+makedepends = libtool
+makedepends = libtool-bin
+makedepends = autoconf
+makedepends = automake
+makedepends = cmake
+makedepends = g++
+makedepends = pkg-config
+makedepends = unzip
+makedepends = curl
+makedepends = lua-filesystem
+makedepends = lua-cliargs
+makedepends = lua-system
+makedepends = lua-dkjson
+makedepends = lua-say
+makedepends = lua-luassert
+makedepends = lua-term
+makedepends = lua-mediator
+makedepends = lua-argparse
+makedepends = lua-coxpcall
+optdepends = python3-neovim: for python 3 plugin support see :help provider python
+optdepends = ruby-neovim: for Ruby plugin support (see :help provider-ruby)
+optdepends = xclip: for clipboard support (or xsel) (see :help provider-clipboard)
+optdepends = xsel: for clipboard support (or xclip) (see :help provider-clipboard)
+optdepends = wl-clipboard: for clipboard support on wayland (see :help clipboard)
diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 0337b34..27aa685 100644
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 # Contributor: alfador <>
 pkgdesc="Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h' 'armv6h' 'aarch64')
+arch=('i686' 'amd64' 'armv7h' 'armv6h' 'aarch64')
 depends=('libluajit-5.1-2' 'libluajit-5.1-common' 'libmsgpackc2' 'libtermkey1' 'libunibilium4' 'libvterm0' 'lua-luv')
 makedepends=('ninja-build' 'gettext' 'libtool' 'libtool-bin' 'autoconf' 'automake' 'cmake' 'g++' 'pkg-config' 'unzip' 'curl' 'lua-filesystem' 'lua-cliargs' 'lua-system' 'lua-dkjson' 'lua-say' 'lua-luassert' 'lua-term' 'lua-mediator' 'lua-argparse' 'lua-coxpcall')
 optdepends=('python3-neovim: for python 3 plugin support see :help provider python'
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)"
 pkgver() {
     cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}"
-    _tag=$(git describe --tags | sed -e 's:-:.:g' -e 's:v::') # tag is mobile, and switches between numbers and letters, can't use it for versioning
+    _always=$(git describe --always | sed -e 's:-:.:g' -e 's:v::') # always is mobile, and switches between numbers and letters, can't use it for versioning
     _commits=$(git rev-list --count HEAD | sed 's:-:.:g') # total commits is the most sane way of getting incremental pkgver
     _date=$(git log -1 --date=short --pretty=format:%cd)
-    printf "%s%s%s\n" "${_commits}" "${_tag}" "${_date}" | sed -e 's:-:.:g'  -e 's:_:.:g'
+    printf "%s%s%s\n" "${_commits}" "${_always}" "${_date}" | sed -e 's:-:.:g'  -e 's:_:.:g'
 prepare() {
   rm -rf \