
zmusic 1.1.8-2

GZDoom is music system as a standalone library

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generated-by = makedeb-makepkg

pkgbase = zmusic
	pkgdesc = GZDoom is music system as a standalone library
	pkgver = 1.1.8
	pkgrel = 2
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	license = BSD
	license = GPL3
	license = LGPL2.1
	license = LGPL3
	license = custom:dumb
	makedepends = cmake
	makedepends = git
	depends = libasound2-dev
	depends = libfluidsynth-dev>=2.1
	depends = libsndfile1-dev
	depends = libmpg123-dev
	depends = zlib1g-dev
	source = ZMusic-1.1.8.tar.gz::
	source = 0001-Use-correct-soundfont-path.patch
	sha256sums = 73082f661b7b0bb33348d1d186c132deec9132a1613480348a00172b49c9fd68
	sha256sums = 6c1b5bf589e5c36186869276ade865d35fdf860241dcd2e0f557e5a82dfd066f

pkgname = zmusic